štvrtok 4. augusta 2016

girl from the other side

"It's okay,
It's okay to be sad 
It's okay to cry your heart out!
It's okay to wake up at 3 am in the morning so hurt that you wish you could die!
It's okay to grieve the loss of someone you never had...
It's okay to watch your face while crying in the mirror and murmur to yourself "how pathetic i look when i weep!"
It's okay to fall apart silently when no one is watching...
It is also okay when everybody is...
It's okay to hold onto this hopeless feeling a while longer...
It's okay to miss someone...
It's okay to long for someone...
It's okay to love while you're not loved...
It's okay to wake up another day at 2 am in the morning having a lungs failure because your dreams are as painful as reality ...
It's so okay to be depressed...
I know it's okay, I've been through it...
I still am.
It's okay to mend your own wounds and ruin the stitches, doesn't matter, you'll become so strong that you won't bloody care about How the scar will look like when it's healed! 
It's all okay...
to let go ...
It's okay because this is how human you are..."