utorok 10. januára 2017

Art is a way of survival pt .II

hi friends , 

today you 'll see a video of me making some mandala 

art is the thing in my head that comes from within my heart 

I  do everything with L.O.V.E  and when I wrote everything - this 

word is for me: yoga, flute, drawing or painting , singing while 

I 'm cleaning the house , or writing to you  guys  or sitting 

outside in nature ....

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” 

Pablo Picasso 

(do not copy ) 

have nice day 😊

streda 4. januára 2017


 PF 2017

Hi friends 

 I'm back with another simply-but super sassy- thing here 

so let's get started an 

All things Harry Potter  Q&A ( POTTERHEAD )

Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt harry potter theme house

1. if you were at Hogwarts what would be your favourite class?

-definitely charms or defence against the dark arts

2. which HP movie is your favourite ? 

Súvisiaci obrázok
- prisoner of Azkaban

3. who do you fancy the most of the character ?

- I literally a.d.o.r.e Sirius Black

4. what ilvermony house are you? 

- to you , who don't know what ilvermony is , it is an american version of Hogwarts houses :) 
Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt thunderbird house
 I'm in  Thunderbird ( according to 1000000 quiz I did)- I prefer to be sorrounded by adventures and those of strong character and heart 

5. butterbeer od pumpkin juice ?

Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt butterbeer

6. would you be able to see thestrals? 

Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt thestrals
- yes (you will be able to see thestrals just when you saw death)

7. if you could invent your own house , what would it be called, what would it's colours be and animal? 

- it would be probably called wolffang , it would sound good in all the houses ( ravenclaw , hufflepuff, wolffang , gryffindor, slytherin) 
- black and grey (maybe silver)whith white wolf on it 
Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt white wolf

8. what would your patronus be? 

Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt patronus wolf
- wolf , of course

9. which character has the same personality as you ? 

- belive me or not : Harry ,we both are stubborn, we don't listen teh authority but love our friends and family

10. would you put your name in a Goblet of fire?

-no , no , no , hell no :D

11. what would be the smell of your amortentia? 

- I really love the smell of coffee and chocolate and the smell of the nature after rain and a new book ; so this would be probably the smell of my amortentia 

12. would you play quidditch / in which position ? 

-I would be a keeper 

13. if you had the chance to go to Hogwarts and live in the wizarding world, but you coud never come back to the life you are living now , would you go? 

- absolutely ,100% still go , our world is boring

14. would you want to speak parseltongue? 

- of course, it must be the best thing ever to speak to all animal ,not just to a snake !

15. which of the hollows would you  most like to possess / why?

Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt cloak of invisibility gif
- cloak of invisibility - I thing it would be useful and also super dangerous 

have a nice day and let me know in the comments what would be your own house in Hogwarts . :)